I Could Be Wrong

I believe there are fundamental differences between men and women. Right now I’m only interested in one and that’s Attention. We as men are always told that we don’t pay enough nor give enough attention to our significant other. I’m at a point in my life where I’m confused as to what that means.

Am I to spend every moment of my day pandering to your every whim? A major exaggeration I know but to most of us men that’s how it comes across. I love spending time with my wife but I also believe that couples should have a life outside of the relationship. Now before you ladies have a heart attack, I’ll explains.

I don’t believe that anyone, male or female should latch on to their significant other and follow them blindly to wherever it is they are headed to. To me a relationship flourishes when the people involved have something to add to said relationship.

Which leads me back to this question of attention. There should be some time apart engaging in other activities. Accumulating useful and exciting information that you can come back and share with your partner, so you two have something to talk about.

So if I’m spending all of my free time with you, what kind of conversations are we having? How was work, how was your day? Isn’t that gonna get stale after a couple months.

I want you to tell me something new, something titillating that we can spend hours decoding. It doesn’t have to be something intellectually prolific. It can be the dumbest thing ever but if you think it’s cool we can talk about it.

As oppose to just being around, which is what (from my experience and from what my male friends usually allude to) is what most women want.

But I could be wrong…….Ladies let me know what you think. I’m never to old to learn.